Marathon Lessons
Several years ago I was running in a marathon in Huntsville and got into trouble around mile 20. I had hit the wall, and it looked like I was walking or limping the last 6 miles. Then a friend, Mark McInteer, happened to come up beside me. Mark was in fine shape, but he slowed to my pace for a while; we talked a bit, and then he motored on.
I, somehow or another, picked up my pace and finished the race.
When you hit the wall, that place where you think you can't do this anymore, two things help. Having someone to run with can provide encouragement. So phone a friend. Laugh, talk, pray together. Remind yourself that you are not running alone. Second, just keep moving. At this point, there is nothing glamorous about your situation. You have more self-pity than you want to admit, you have slowed to a crawl, and your spiritual muscles are cramping. You figured out long ago that you are not going to win the race.
But winning isn't the point. You just have to finish.
Hang in there.