Non-Profit FAQ’s

Describe the applicable services you provide?

The Carpenter’s Plan partners with non-profits and guides them through every aspect of a capital campaign, from feasibility study to private and public phase of the campaign. In this process the establishment of a vision is crucial. Your consultant will lead a team of volunteers in writing a compelling case statement that guides the trajectory of the campaign.

How long does it take to conduct a capital campaign? (From what point to what point?)

Most campaigns for a non-profit take up to two years or longer. The giving period is usually for three years, but some organizations will extend giving as long as five years.

How much can we raise?

You should think in terms of multiples of your annual budget. For a compelling vision, three times your annual giving is not out of the question. However, there are multiple factors that play a role in this. The key word is compelling vision. People give to a vision, not a building or a fund. The emphasis is on the top ten gifts, which can represent well over 50% of the money raised. The cultivation of lead gifts cannot be rushed.

Do you recommend a feasibility study?

Absolutely. A feasibility study will give the organization a more accurate idea of how much can be raised and alert you to potential pitfalls. In a campaign, lead gifts are essential and the feasibility study will help determine how likely the organization is to receive large gifts. A small minority of organizations do not need a study. These groups are healthy, have a clear vision of where they want to go, and have more than capable people on staff with development experience.

Cost?  Are expenses included in the consulting fee?  What is the payment schedule?

If your organization chooses to conduct a feasibility study, there is a fee for that service and the actual campaign is priced separately. The fee for the feasibility study is paid in two payments, one upon signing of the contract and the second payment upon completion of the study and presentation to the board. The fee for the campaign is paid in equal monthly payments over the course of the campaign. The fees quoted cover the consultants expenses, and include training materials, some printed materials, and the case statement.

Other than the consulting fee, what are the additional costs?

Costs vary according to the organization, sophistication of the campaign, and the amount needed to be raised. A general rule of thumb is it should not take more than 15% to raise $1 million, and this percentage should decline with larger amounts raised. Excluding the cost of the feasibility study, the campaign expenses are likely to break down as follows:

55%- Personnel costs, including consultants fees and support staff 

25%-Communication and all public relations pieces and event expense

15%-Office expenses, entertainment, etc. 


What services do you provide relative to the acquisition and transfer of non-cash contributions such as stocks, bonds, land, or other assets that may be donated during the campaign?

We provide guidelines and ideas. Gifts like these will be highly encouraged. We have experience in handling these transactions regularly.

What, if any, guarantees does your organization provide?

We will respond promptly to all communication, pay attention to detail, train and mentor staff and key volunteers, speak truthfully, maintain confidences, and work hard.