When Should Churches Do A Capital Campaign?

The obvious answer is when you are ready. Beyond this, the question is a matter of matching the church calendar with the campaign calendar. Ideally you want six weeks of “good Sundays” toward the close of your campaign—six weeks when a majority of your members are in town. For most churches this means the campaign ends before the summer break or before the Christmas holidays. Campaigns fall into three broad time frames.


Spring Campaigns—Beginning in January and ending before the end of May.

Fall Campaigns—Beginning in August or September and ending before Mid-December.

Winter Campaigns—Beginning in November and ending in February or early March before Spring break time.

We have not noticed an appreciable difference between these three options. Selecting one time over another does not lead to more pledges received. Fall campaigns might receive more money within the first six months due to end of year giving, but this evens out after 12 months.

The key factor is the local one—is the congregation ready for a campaign?

Your Carpenter’s Plan consultant can help you determine the best time for your church to do a campaign.