The Power of Vision
When it comes to serving as a leader in a church or non-profit, there are many aspects of fund raising that must be considered. Maturing donors, making an ask, communication of the need—the list is lengthy. Non-profits know this and the good ones spend a lot of time thinking fundraising. Churches, well let’s just say they ought to think and talk about giving more than they do.
There is one crucial component of giving that can be overlooked, however. Forget this one thing and it doesn’t matter who is on the development team or how soon you send out thank you letters or how many sermons you preach on giving.
The thing you can never forget.
Why do you need to raise money?
Recently I read two books on pastoring--Pastor by Eugene Peterson and The Art of Pastoring by Dave Hansen. Neither book talked about strategic planning or SWAT analysis or vision casting or fund raising. Both men talked about the joys and sorrows of pastoral ministry, preaching, teaching, visiting, leading worship. They wrote with joy and enthusiasm and conviction.
If either guy asked me to make a big gift for something at church I would do it. Why? Both pastors believed in what they were doing. They thought they were making an eternal difference as they served in their vocation. Neither considered their job just a job. No, it was a God given calling.
Consultants assist others in communicating and clarifying visions. We help organizations move from talking about raising money to actually doing it. Sometimes the process is simple and other times it is pretty complicated. But it is what we love to do.
But something consultants cannot do is create a vision for you.
Two questions for the CEO or Senior Minister or head of development.
Do you have a vision?
Do you believe in the vision?