How Have Campaigns Not Changed?
The previous blog pointed out the ways in which campaigns have changed over the last decade. Today I want to note the ways in which campaigns have remained the same. And frankly, I think the truths in this blog are more important than the changes.
Nothing unites a church like prayer. Solid campaigns emphasize prayer from beginning to end.
Vision is absolutely crucial. People give to visions and dreams, not brick and mortar.
The leadership must be trustworthy and trusted. If you have had leadership trouble lately, work on rebuilding trust before launching a campaign.
The best campaigns wind up focusing more on faith raising and less on fundraising. I know this sounds like a cliche. But it remains true.
Leaders must lead. If the ministers and board are not wholly behind the project and the campaign, don’t bother. If the leaders do not give sacrificially, neither will the church.
Campaigns are very effective in reaching the church member who does not give or grossly under gives. Campaigns often turn church renters into owners.
Attention must be given to those participating in early commitment. The top ten gifts in any campaign will equal 30% of the total given. We spend even more time with the early commitment process than we did a decade ago.
Campaigns seldom negatively impact weekly giving.
We have seen little change in the amount that can be raised in a campaign. We usually tell churches they can raise 1.5 to 3 times their annual giving over a three-year period. We have had some churches receive 4 times annual giving, while only 1 or 2 have raised less than 2 times.
Campaigns are an exciting, “shot in the arm” experience for churches. They require hard work, but churches find it is well worth the effort.