A Spirituality of Fundraising
John Mogabgab of Upper Room Books has edited a series of books from the writings of Henri Nouwen. A 2011 book in this series is entitled A Spirituality of Fundraising. https://www.amazon.com/Spirituality-Fundraising-Henri-Nouwen/dp/0835810445
My friend Amy Alexander, Executive Director of The Refuge Center for Counseling, has summarized her key takeaways from the book.
- Generosity begets generosity, especially when it is rooted in the rich soil of relatedness.
- The desire for authentic relationships is stirred in others.
- Fundraising is first and foremost a ministry.
- We trust that our donors will become richer in giving. "You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity." 2 Corinthians 9:11
- Fundraising is just a spiritual as giving a sermon, entering a time of prayer, visiting the sick, or feeding the hungry.
- Whether we are asking for money or giving money, we are drawn together by God, who is about to do a new thing through our collaboration.
- Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate in our vision and mission.
- Donors get to participate in a new communion with others while becoming part of a much larger spiritual vision and fruitfulness.
- We are declaring: "We have a vision that is amazing and exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you."
- Asking people for money is giving them the opportunity to put their resources at the disposal of the Kingdom. To raise funds is to offer people the chance to invest in the work of God.
- Once we believe that we have something of great value to give, then we will have no trouble at all in asking.
- When Jesus fed the 5000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish, he was showing us how God's love can multiple the effects of our generosity. Matthew 14:13-21