Online Giving
For the first ten years of my working career, I was paid weekly—every Thursday. The bookkeeper at church hand wrote the paychecks, and we knew we could pick them up after 12:00 pm. (We were a bit afraid of the woman who wrote the checks. She once told the youth minister, “I believe I would back in here to get this check considering how little work you did this week.”)
I drove down the street to deposit the check, usually leaving out a little cash. Then on Sundays I wrote my contribution check for church. Some years we even had contribution envelopes so we could keep up with our giving. If you still had the July 21st envelope in the box, you knew you missed a week. In a year I probably wrote at least 50 checks just to church.
Last year I wrote less than 80 checks total during the entire year, down from 167 checks in 2013. This year it will be even less. My twice-monthly paychecks go directly into my account without me touching them, and I deposit miscellaneous checks into my checking account via my phone. The only time I get cash is when I go on vacation. I, like most of you, pay almost all of my monthly bills through automatic withdrawals from my checking account or on my Rewards Credit Card.
I even quit balancing my checkbook. I feel a little wild and crazy to admit this. But when you can see it all online seconds after the purchase, what’s the point? Oh, the bank made that mistake back in 1993. I will take those odds.
All of these changes are why your non-profit and church must enter the world of online donations. Your donors expect the ease and convenience that comes with digital transactions.
Last year I started giving online to our church. We have had the capability for 3-4 years, but I only used it occasionally. But now my contributions are drafted every other week. In three simple words—“I love it.” Honestly, I don’t know why I did not start sooner.
Online giving for churches and non-profits? It used to be a luxury—something you did for early adapters. But not anymore.
It is expected.