End of Year Giving
My friends in the non-profit world are currently in crunch time. During November and December as much as 40% of total donations for the year will be received. That is a big number. Appeal letters and emails will be written, key donors visited, and the mailbox will be carefully watched.
Many of my friends at churches will . . .well, they will not do anything out of the ordinary. No, I take that back. They will do angel trees for a children’s home, the same special contribution they have "lamely" collected for 20 years.
Many churches make no special effort to promote giving at the end of the year, other than encouraging members to “help us meet the budget.” This is a big mistake. This year do something.
· Interview a visiting missionary and “pass the hat” unannounced.
· Send out letters to your older adults reminding them of the IRA Rollover to charities.
· Preach on giving.
· Have someone give a testimony about the power of giving.
· Have a special goal, something with more spice than “meet the budget.”
Just do something!
Several years ago, we started an “Overflow” contribution at my church. Everything given over and above the budget goes to a special account and the deacons distribute these funds to as many as 15 different good works. Some years we worry that we will not meet the budget, and there will be nothing extra. And yet every year, Overflow is funded.
Over a decade our members have been trained to give something extra to church in December. A key is they know the additional contributions are not going to pay the light bill or staff salaries. Everything over and above goes to good works.
So, get with it. Make a plan, establish the need, promote the cause, and make the ask.
Do something.