Values-Based Capital Campaigns
Values-Based Capital Campaigns
Over the years the Carpenter’s Plan has successfully led many capital campaigns. The difference between great campaigns and life-changing campaigns are the ones with the right foundational values. Values guide us and influence every aspect of our lives; they empower and motivate. Clarity of values drives personal commitment. The leaders who have the greatest clarity about the organization’s values have the highest degree of commitment to the organization.
A spiritual leader lives with a sense of destiny. This destiny is not hollow and is found in the Creator’s values. This leader understands the greater cause rather the instant gratification of living in the present. Leadership extends beyond physical life. Leaders inspire the commitment of others to this legacy. A capital campaign can be just a fundraising venture or, based on eternal values, a spiritual game-changer for the organization.
Do we see the greater vision for generations to come? Do we inspire others for a legacy greater than themselves? Are we open to the continuous movement of God’s Spirit to shape an eternal future? Faith-based organizations desperately need leaders with a sense of destiny defined by the values of the Creator.
For any movement to have a lasting eternal legacy, it must be based in eternal values. These values are the weights of decision-making. Churches understand when they are conducting a capital campaign, the ultimate outcome is not a new building or being debt-free. The ultimate outcome is an eternal legacy based in generosity, service and mission.